Archives | Veterans Today
</H1> |
<H3> The Hidden History of the Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia </H3> |
<H3> Send R.O.T.C. Back to School </H3> |
<H3> Hellstorm: The Rape and Mass Murder of German Women after WWII </H3> |
<H3> Jewish Al-Sisi Runs Egypt; Now an Israeli-Occupied Territory </H3> |
<H3> 35 Things the Ruling Cabal Does Not Want You to Know </H3> |
<H3> Trump right about Hanoi John McCain </H3> |
<H3> Lawrence E. King Jr: Overachiever </H3> |
<H3> Selling the Bin Laden Lie </H3> |
<H3> Why Is Israel looking for Imam Mahdi? </H3> |
<H3> Vladimir Putin: The New World Order Worships Satan </H3> |
<H3> 11 Examples of Illuminati Numerology </H3> |
<H3> Trump Opens McCains Treasonous Can of Worms </H3> |
<H3> Stolen Patriotism: Phony Resistance Movement Uncloaked </H3> |
<H3> Definition of a Vietnam Era Veteran </H3> |
<H3> ISIS Leader Al Baghdadi Dies in Israeli Hospital </H3> |
<H3> David Crowley, Army Veteran and Gray State Movie Director and Family Found Dead </H3> |
<H3> Mapping 9/11: The Fort Lee Mystery </H3> |
<H3> Raping German Women and Children as a Form of Revenge After WWII (Part I) </H3> |
<H3> Keanu Reeves, Slutty Shiksas, and the Industry </H3> |
<H3> Return of the Titans </H3> |
<H3> Confederate Soldiers are American Veterans by Act of Congress </H3> |
<H3> We Demand: President Putin Release Documents Vital to World Peace </H3> |
<H3> The Khazarian Mafia (Part II) Updated </H3> |
<H3> Airline whistleblower solves 9/11 </H3> |
<H3> The Globalist Plan to take-down the whole World </H3> |
<H3> Rape and Sex in German Cities After World War II Revisited (Part II) </H3> |
<H3> Veterans Disability Protection Act of 2010 (VDPA) </H3> |
<H3> Historic Speech in Damascus sends Shockwaves around the World </H3> |
<H3> Top Benefits of Spread Betting You Should Know About </H3> |
<H3> Power, Pedophilia and the US Government </H3> |
<H3> The Neoconservative Movement is Trotskyism </H3> |
<H3> Confirmation Tianjin was Nuked </H3> |
<H3> Send a Quenelle to AIPAC </H3> |
<H3> The Strange Case of Ted Gunderson </H3> |
<H3> New York City Asks: What Happened to the 1,116 Missing 9/11 Victims? </H3> |
<H3> Pravda: Putin Threatens to Release Satellite Evidence of 9/11 </H3> |
<H3> Obama fails to portray Putin as ‘aggressor’ in Ukraine crisis </H3> |
<H3> Shockwaves (Part III) </H3> |
<H3> The Nine Stages Of Civilization – We’re In The Seventh ~ Apathy </H3> |
<H3> 9/11: Dutch Demolition Expert Danny Jowenko Dies In “Car Crash” </H3> |
<H3> Murdoch’s Deeply Hidden Jewish Roots — A Biography </H3> |
<H3> U.S. Senator John McCain: Aid and Comfort </H3> |
<H3> Israel, the psychopathic nation </H3> |
<H3> Rahm Emanuel’s Father Specialized in Terrorist Bus Bombings in Palestine </H3> |
<H3> How soon can we get AIPAC owned traitors out of Congress ? </H3> |
<H3> John Sidney McCain III, Patriot or Traitor </H3> |
<H3> Shock-Waves (Part II) </H3> |
<H3> The growing complexity of Alex Jones’ Israeli Connections </H3> |
<H3> Did Israel Assassinate Michael Collins Piper </H3> |
<H3> American Soldiers Brutally Raped Japanese Women During World War II </H3> |
<H3> NEO – Obama’s Stupid Sanctions Give Putin New Oil Bonanza </H3> |
<H3> Mark Zuckerberg Awarded CIA Surveillance Medal </H3> |
<H3> Pornography as a Secret Weapon </H3> |
<H3> Israel Celebrates Successful 9/11 Operation on Purim Holiday </H3> |
<H3> Extermination camps: When the Khazars Punked the World by Dr. Robert Faurisson </H3> |
<H3> Footprints of Evil </H3> |
<H3> SPECIAL SERIES: Training Your Own PTSD Service Dog by Dr. Joan Esnayra </H3> |
<H3> Burying Sharon – and “We Jews control America” </H3> |
<H3> Can You Transport a B-52 Bomber on an Aircraft Carrier? </H3> |
<H3> UFO War: Chinese and US Navy off San Francisco </H3> |
<H3> Must Read: Illuminati Assassins </H3> |
<H3> FUKUSHIMA = 2,000 Atomic Bombs </H3> |
<H3> Secret Space War XVI: The Draco’s Secret War Against American Goyim </H3> |
<H3> Thwarted Attempt to Hijack “Wanta” </H3> |
<H3> Secret Space war XIII: Alien Partners tell Putin, “Don’t Worry, We’ve Got Your Back” </H3> |
<H3> Updated: Israeli General Captured in Iraq Confesses to Israel-Isis Coalition </H3> |
<H3> VT Nuclear Education: Undeniable Proof of 9/11 as a Nuclear Event </H3> |
<H3> Behind the Holocaust </H3> |
<H3> 9/11: Video of Missile Hitting Pentagon Leaked </H3> |
<H3> Too Classified to Publish: Bush Nuclear Piracy Exposed </H3> |
<H3> “100% Certain”: 9/11 Author Was Killed in Black Ops Hit </H3> |
<H3> Why the Red Poppy Holds Valuable Symbolism for War Veterans </H3> |
<H3> ‘Don’t Shoot the Messenger’ — Tsunami and Earthquake to Hit the US </H3> |
<H3> Lee Wanta, American Hero </H3> |
<H3> How Zionism infiltrated the US [EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW] </H3> |
<H3> PROPOSED DECLARATION of War against Rothschild Khazarian Mafia </H3> |
<H3> Malaysian 777 Shot Down Over Ukraine Updated </H3> |
<H3> Operation Gladio: How We Terrorize Ourselves </H3> |
<H3> Asteroid to Threaten Earth in 2013 </H3> |
<H3> Department of Veterans Affairs Reports 73 Thousand U.S. Gulf War Deaths </H3> |
<H3> The "Little Green Guy Book" </H3> |
<H3> 21 True Facts About Gaddafi You Weren’t Told </H3> |
<H3> Search For love Eventually Leads To Our True Self </H3> |
<H3> History’s Cruelest Hoax: Semitic Khazars </H3> |
<H3> Hitler and the Banksters: The Abolition of Interest-Servitude </H3> |
<H3> F-8 Crusader Pilot Falls 15,000 feet with failed chute and lives!! </H3> |
<H3> Why do so Many Veterans Kill Themselves? </H3> |
<H3> Israel’s Attack on USS Liberty – The Full Story </H3> |
<H3> Secret Space War III: Marduk Lands in Africa ? </H3> |
<H3> China and the Jews </H3> |
<H3> NEO – The World if Gore had won </H3> |
<H3> PuppetGate, the Continuing Saga </H3> |
<H3> Killing Pat Tillman </H3> |
<H3> Aardvarks make atrocious pets </H3> |
<H3> British and American War Crimes During World War II </H3> |
<H3> Historic Speech in Damascus sends Shockwaves around the World </H3> |
<H3> Evil with a Nice Face – The Janus Principle </H3> |
<H3> Trump’s War on America: Air Force Special Ops Assault Plane Over... </H3> |
<H3> 7 Considerations for Those Entering the Healthcare Field Today </H3> |
<H3> Home Based Small Business Ideas For Veterans </H3> |
<H3> The Hidden History of the Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia </H3> |
<H3> Send R.O.T.C. Back to School </H3> |
<H3> Hellstorm: The Rape and Mass Murder of German Women after WWII </H3> |
<H4> Most Read 100 Posts All-Time on VT Archives </H4> |
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